Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Pakistan earthquake

There is an article on the BBC news website this morning explaining the problems in the earthquake stricken area of Pakistan. The major theme of the article is complaints about a lack of government action to help the survivors,

"Most of the people here are cursing the government for still not providing proper attention and we agree with their feelings," said Ayub, a medical student helping the victims.

The article could easily have been written a matter of weeks ago about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The problems are identical, looting, lack of government officials to help find survivors etc. I am not surprised that people going through the disaster would feel this way, whenever bad things happen our initial response is to blame someone else, however, the government can only do so much. Amid the complaints of a lack of government assistance, there are reports of government vehicles being stolen; this surely cannot help any relief effort, as snipers in New Orleans proved an unnecessary hindrance to relief efforts there.
Nobody was at fault for this disaster, least of all the government, the government are not at fault for looting through a lack of action, the looters are responsible for causing the problems that they do. Of course the government have a responsibility to protect property rights, but we cannot expect a seamless relief operation in an area full of people unwilling to cooperate.


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