Friday, June 24, 2005

Global warming 2

As an update to yesturdays article, I'll bring you attention to this article. It contains some interesting figures, however, only some of these are referenced and I have not had time to check out those references. the article is obviously biased as it comes from an organisation who wish to "dispel the myths of global warming".

I also stumbled accross this article (PDF). It's from the EPA (environmental protection agency) and so has the opposite bias to the other article. Since it's very long, I don't expect anyone to read it in its entirety, but it's there none the less. I have taken two interesting quotes though. The first explaining the problems with predictions, the second making just that, a prediction.

I urge caution in interpreting the results of these studies. Since we cannot predict regional climate change or extreme events such as hurricanes or droughts, we cannot predict impacts.” P22.

In 1979, the National Academy of Sciences estimated the most probable global warming from a doubling of carbon dioxide concentrations over preindustrial levels to be between 1.5 and 4.5°C. In 1985, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) reaffirmed these estimates.” P26.


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