Sunday, July 10, 2005

Anti trust

Ok, here I am sat down in front of my computer at home with a glass of the finest Lindisfarne mead just about to head off to the pub to get some of those southern comfort and coke's. But first I though I would vent some rage. It amazes me how people can look at the persecution of a minority group and radiate with joy at the fact. The anti trust laws both in the states and in Europe are designed to persecute business people, they contain no objectivity and can act retroactivly, When the ALCOA exacutives were sentenced to jail under the antitrust laws in the States the lerned Judge Hand said:

"It was not inevitable that it should always anticipate increases in the demand for ingot and be prepared to supply them. Nothing compelled it to keep doubling and redoubling its capacity before others entred the field. It insists that it never excluded competitors; but we can think of no more effective exclusion than progressivly to embrace each new opportunity as it opened, and to face every newcomer with new capacity already geared into a great organisation, having the advantage of experience, trade connections and the elite of personnel."

In other words, the ALCOA executives were being prosecuted for running a competitive business, and by supplying a product in the most efficient way possible, now I ask, what harm could they possibly have been doing? Agreed, that was not a recent case, but the same thing is going on today, Bill Gates being a typical case, and there are many more cases not quite so high profile. Burocrats should not wield power as Hitler and Stalin did, it goes against our most basic right to freedom as individuals.


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