Friday, July 08, 2005

London attacks

Yesterday’s attacks on London are a terrible remainder of the determination of a minority who are bent on destroying the values that we hold dear. The victims of the attacks were innocent people, and we can never forget that the true horror is the human tragedy that faces the victims and the relatives of those who have died. I hope that this murderous act is not used as a political toy; I for one will refrain from using it as such.


Blogger Dan said...

How about the value of freedom, the freedom to live without fear of being murdered on your way to work for no reason other than to cause terror for some political or religious end.

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Bush !

2:41 PM  
Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

:) Well as a result of british actions, millions of people for hundreds of years had to live with this fear.

But when it happens to europeans or americans once, it is the tragedy of the century?

Read about what the british did in africa, or india, or about what the americans did to slaves or the native americans... Then complain so much about a bombing.

Sure terrorism is wrong, and sure we deserve to protect ourselvs, but lets not be ignorant of the past and act like we are all about freedom for all. We are about freedom for us even if it costs others, even if it requires creating terrorists in the process.

Which we certainly did. Now it is still our job to kill this monster we grew, but lets not totally forget where terror comes from. It comes from our wars and our oil use.

2:42 PM  
Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

Sorry I had more ranting! :)

I need to add that I live in NYC, I was there on sept 11th. But never for a second did I ask, why us?!?! It is pretty clear why us.

2:44 PM  
Blogger Echo1 said...

Alex and the 'but' monster. Classic.

No buts Alex. Terrorism as carried out by these islamo-fascists must be destroyed, regardless of anything else. It's really pretty simple.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Very interesting points everyone. Thank you for your comments.

Alex, certainly in the past the British government did not respect the freedom of the individual, hence why America exists today. However, now the reality is different, although it isn't perfect the British and American governments do respect individual rights far more than many other countries around the world, don't get me wrong though, we have a long way to go. I can only agree that we have some responsibility for creating the terrorists, but their motives do not come solely from these reasons, and their aims are often completely unrelated to them, and we do have a right to defend ourselves.

Jeremy, yes the terrorists must be destroyed, but we can't bow down to their level in the quest to do that.

Mystic, the politics of fear are beginning to dominate the governments of the west, this is dangerous as it is exactly this that has allowed dictators to control countries all around the world.

4:52 PM  
Blogger carla said...

It's not about the "values you hold dear". This rhetorical wasteland of conservatism continues to dodge the need to UNDERSTAND the enemy. If you don't understand them and their can't destroy them. This tenet is one of the first rules of combat (see the Art of War)

It's about our troops being on their soil. See this month's American Conservative website that includes and interview with the gentlement who just did a major study on terrorist suicide bombings.

The longer we throw out the "they hate our freedoms" garbage and refuse to look at the root causes of terrorism..the more likely it is that we'll see another attack on our shores.

7:46 PM  

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