Thursday, June 23, 2005

Global warming

During the renaissance in Europe, the religion of Christianity was abused by the political powers to coerce their people, to control their lives. One could not do anything that was not allowed by God, such as own an illegal book, and if one did then there was a very real risk of being tortured to death or burned at the stake. The religion was the ethical basis for all of the atrocities committed at this time. Fortunately, this time is long past, and while religion is still abused in the same way, it is not as all pervasive as it was then. However, there is a new form religion, environmentalism.

Environmentalism sounds good, helping the planet, protecting our natural resources for generations to come. All of this is noble, as are the basic lessons of Christianity and other religions. The only problem is that is has the same flaw as religion does when it is used in politics, and that is that it is highly faith based. If anyone can actually direct me towards some scientific evidence of global warming then I will welcome it, but I will be surprised. Carbon dioxide is one of the least effective greenhouse gasses; water vapor alone is 100 times more effective. The predictions of higher temperatures are guesses at best, how can anyone truly believe a 100 year weather report when it is impossible to predict the weather more than 7 days ahead with any reasonable accuracy. Why did Chris Landsea leave the UN-sponsored climate assessment team saying:

“I personally cannot in good faith contribute to a process that I view as both being motivated by pre-conceived agendas and being scientifically unsound.”

And is it a surprise that the lack of science behind global warming is ignored by politicians when Timothy Wirth later to become Bill Clinton’s Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs said:

“We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong we will be doing the right thing…”

We cannot base decisions that will seriously and detrimentally affect the standard of living of people the world over on faith. The debate on global warming is not over there is no consensus.


Blogger Dan said...

Fair comment. I actually have done. I have read many articles on global warming and I have so far found none that contain actual evidence of CO2 emmisions being the major source of global warming. that the world is warming is not contended much, but the rate at which is is warming is. The world was much hotter than it is now when the Vikings were farming areas in Greenland now permanently covered with frost and ice. Climates go in cycles, we seem to just be in the warming phase of one of those cyles right now.

Most articles contain claims such as "At this rate the world will be 3 degrees hotter by 2080" but that's not evidence.

Before anyone else makes the comment. I am also only presenting claims, not evidence. I will try to find a source for some actual evidence that I will be able to reporduce here.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Either is fine, as long as the figures are properly referenced. As it states in my profile, I am an engineer, I have to deal with scientific data on a daily basis, so format is not a problem.
Of course I'm not asking people to go out of their way to bring me evidence (although it would be nice of people to do so ;) ) but if anyone does have any to hand then I would quite like to see it.

7:42 AM  

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