Friday, May 20, 2005

Big is not always better

Thanks to the sleepy man I read this article today. The author makes the very valid point that most people do not realize that big government also means reduced freedom. Some people do not miss this freedom or simply do not realize that it has been removed. People seem to have a fascination with asking what the government can do for them; they do not want to assume the responsibility that comes from being an adult. We all want to be left to do our own thing, but as soon as something becomes difficult we want someone to help us, or even do whatever it is for us. When we are young, we call upon our parents, when we are older, we call upon the government. This mentality is now so common that it has spread into every aspect of life.

Parents no longer take responsibility for their own children, teachers are now expected to ensure that a child is well behaved, not the parent. People have children that they cannot afford because they know that they will receive benefit payments to cover the cost. I agree that children should not be punished for having irresponsible parents, however, neither should the rest of society. All of this government intervention is often welcomed by those who benefit, and not argued against by those who take the burden in case they are called “greedy” or “uncaring”. In truth people are coming from an out of date political philosophy, that of the society. As Ayn Rand said, most philosophical systems ignore man in their search for the perfect society, man is an end in himself*. Government has only three roles, the protection of the individual from other people, protection of the society from other societies, and to assume the role of arbiter in civil disagreements. Big government does not do this, it spreads it s tentacles and grasps control wherever it can get away with it. Individuals should be free to do whatever they want as long as it is not against the rights of another, while government should be able to do nothing except that which it is allowed to achive the above three aims. Governments act with the consent of the people, not the other way around.

* I use the word man to include both genders.


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