Thursday, May 19, 2005


I went to see ‘A’ last night in Leicester. I’ve liked them for a while, especially because I always associate songs from the album Hi-Fi Serious with Project Gotham Racing for the Xbox that is one of my favorite games. One of their songs ‘Starbucks’ is about the hypocrisy in the music industry. People are always saying how hard it is to be a ‘rock star’, the early mornings, late nights, interviews, non-stop badgering from fans etc. The song basically says, ‘yeah, it’s not as great as it looks, but I wouldn’t swap it for a job in Starbucks.’

We are all guilty from time to time of taking what we have for granted, we see a Porsche, become envious and we forget that our Ford is still technology beyond the wildest dreams of people only 100 years ago. We have reached a state in our society that we are the rock stars of the world; we are one of the richest nations, with the easiest jobs, most money and best quality of life. What we are guilty of is refusing to admit the privilege of our position, ok our society may not be perfect, we may not all have yachts, but I wouldn’t swap it for a job in Ethiopia.

I also went to see Star Wars last night. I have now finally seen the whole Saga. I am not going to comment on the film, there will be plenty of other people who will be happy to do that, what I will say is that the whole story highlights the dangers that our own world faces, power corrupts, we cannot allow power to be concentrated through centralization. The EU constitution worries me because we should not centralize government. Power should be spread out to local government within countries, not centralized to a continental one.


Blogger Dan said...

A very good article, cheers for bringing that one to my attention.

2:18 PM  

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